HI! So I've been wanting to sit down for a few months now and blog but every time I open up my laptop and start typing I hate everything that comes out. So instead of trying to come up with a topic that I think everyone would enjoy reading I figured I'd just talk about something that has taken over my life. As of last Friday I am now 25 weeks pregnant...that's right I am a legit maker of human beings, so crazy. I wasn't planning on blogging at all about being pregnant but my husband suggested I should so that I can keep everyone up to date on how things are going, so here I am! In case you don't already know I am so very special...why you may ask yourself...because I am growing not one baby but two. And to solidify my Superwoman status I have encountered the ability to grow two tiny men. That's proof enough for me that women do in fact rule the world...just sayin'. So let me catch all of you up on how we've made it to 25 weeks.
First Trimester (4-12 weeks):
This trimester was rough for me, as I'm sure it is for many women. To be honest it was a little of a blur for me. I'm pretty sure I slept through most of it and when I wasn't sleeping I was doing my best to keep as much food down as I could, which inevitably was not a lot considering I lost 5 or 6 lbs. What I do remember most about this time was at 11 weeks I had my first regular OB appointment (I had been seeing my fertility specialist up until this point) and she did an ultrasound and there they were...flipping and kicking and looking very much like real babies instead of gummy bears! This was probably the moment I realized that all the struggles we faced for the past 3 years of NOT getting pregnant had been because I was meant to have these two little people. Pretty incredible. If you ask my husband he will also probably refer this trimester as the New Boobs Era. Men.
Second Trimester (13-present week):
I started this one off with the flu. In fact I have contracted a lot of sickness in this trimester. I can blame this on working in a pharmacy where I see sick people day in and day out. And no matter how much I sanitize myself or hold my breathe while slinging their meds at them, I am a magnet. Thank you sick people of America. Aside from my weakened immune system a lot has come about in these past few weeks. My bump is finally a baby bump and the boys have learned the art of a swift kick. A lot of people ask me if I've had any cravings and sadly none of the weird pregnancy kind. It's mostly been fresh fruit and ice cream. Lame, I know. As for the babies, there personalities are already starting to show themselves. . As of recently our days have been filled with hospital tours, project nursery, and c-section videos...I don't encourage you to watch one if your on the fence about having kids. Baby A or as we call him...the ladies man, is definitely the more active
of the two. Every ultrasound he poses and waves at the techs and he is
never shy about showing off his goods. Men. Baby B is our shy boy.
He rarely shows his face and when he does he's usually sucking his thumb. We go in for our monthly check up this week so I'll keep everyone updated on the weeks to come.
Here is the bump progress so far...
Top Left: The day I found out I was pregnant, Bottom Left: 13 weeks, Middle: 18 weeks, Right: 23 weeks. |