Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Updates and Vegetarianism.

HI Everyone!  It's been a long time, 4 months exactly, but I have some good excuses.  School work can be mostly to blame.  I've been working so hard to get my last and final prerequisite classes out of the way before I apply to my program in January.  Not only do I need to finish them I actually have to get AMAZING grades in them (lame, I know), which there lies the issue with trying to maintain a blog.  Life consists of far too much studying at the moment.  I think I've officially hit the "wall", and with that I mean I have a lot of moments where I think, "a full time job in something I HATE has to be much better than spending hours and hours a day on studying and homework that I am not getting paid for."  Luckily, I have my husband to talk me off the ledge.

Aside from school not much has changed in the last 4 months, 2 small road trips, another year older, another tattoo, 2 weeks without a cancer stick, and this week I've decided to test the waters of becoming a Vegetarian.

To make a long story short, my husband and I had a long conversation about hunting for hobby, which I don't agree with (just my opinion).  Something about killing an innocent animal as a "fun" past time makes me feel like its sort of messes with a balance of nature or something.  That's right, were getting real here people, lol.  Then he brought up the fact of eating meat that obviously has been slaughter for the sole purpose of consumption.  Although I think this is slightly better than just going out in nature and shooting whatever is in season for just the sake of hunting, it still really gets me upset.  SO, I thought to myself,  if I have such a  negative reaction to it then why am I contributing to it by still eating meat?   Thus my journey of no meat this week.  Wish me luck!


  1. Hi Amber. Aunt Mary here. I read your comments and I am amazed how alike we think. I too am considering becoming a vegetarian for exactly the same reasons you have stated. Believe it or not, I thought about your blog this week, and was a little disappointed because it was a glimpse into your life, something I yearn to know.
    I love you much. Mary

    1. Hi Aunt Mary! Good to hear from you, I'm glad your interested in reading my blog! I will have to keep you updated on how this whole Vegetarian things works out. Love you!
