Friday, November 1, 2013

Get Your Health On

Well...well...well...we meet again.  I'm not even going to start this blog with another excuse why it's been so long since my last post but I'm back!  Anyways...we've made it to fall!  Not my favorite season but it still remains the runner up.  I love the leaves changing colors, the ridiculous amount of pumpkin flavored things, feeling a little cozier at home, and definitely the fall fashion.  Now that we've put away the tank tops, bathing suits, and shorts, it's also the time of year when we start to let ourselves go a little bit.  That's right, I'm on to you...but don't worry I'm here to give some quick tips on how to maintain a healthy outlook.  These are the simple things I live and swear by:

  • Eat breakfast!  Everyday and no I'm not just talking about a banana on your way to work.  Breakfast is the time when you need a pretty hefty amount of protein and calories.  Not only will it help keep you from having mid-morning cravings but it sets you up to start your day off with a ton of energy. My go to breakfast is rolled oats with almond milk, cinnamon, blueberries and peanut butter and a banana on the side.

  • DO NOT skip meals.  I know a lot of people may think that this may help overall with losing weight and that is completely wrong.  Not only does this slow down your metabolism making it harder for you to lose pounds (if that's your goal) it also seriously alters your energy levels. Food is fuel so make sure your eating 3 good size portions a day or 5 smaller meals to keep your body in check.

  • Green tea is your friend.  I could go on forever about the benefits of green tea, I love it!  A few of it's super powers include antioxidant, brain booster, helps burn fat, and strengthens immunity.  I try to incorporate at least 1 cup if not more everyday.

  • Fast food is not your friend.  It is poison, really it is.

  • Treat exercise like having to brush your teeth.  I know that's a weird statement but what I mean is it should be something you don't have to consciously think about doing, it just comes automatic to you.  That doesn't mean that you have to obsessively be on the treadmill or lifting weights every single day. On the days that you aren't doing those take the dog for a walk, go shopping, hike a trail, swim, just BE ACTIVE!

  • Don't over think it.  Nothing sucks more than having to plan out a diet.  Just thinking about all the things you can't have makes you want them that much more, so just don't do it. Everyone has enough common sense to figure out that more fruits and veggies and less fried food is good. The more you start to incorporate the goods things the easier it becomes to maintain them.

Having a healthy lifestyle can do wonders with our outer appearance. For me it's just as important as to what it does for the inside as well.  I want to live as long as possible, like vampire life span, but obviously that isn't necessarily in the cards for just a mere human like myself,  so eating healthy and exercising is my way of contributing to longevity.  Hope this post was more helpful than annoying!

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