Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Trending - Brows

Like the beginning of all seasons I have been looking and searching through makeup trends that are expected to be on many faces for the next few months.  Makeup trends are usually hit or miss with me, in the past I have found a lot of them just don't translate in "real" life very well and some are just way over the top.  With that being said this year I am definitely going to be eating my words!  For the next few weeks I have decided to post the Spring makeup trends I personally love and will be experimenting with.

First up is eyebrows....truth, I am a freak about eyebrows.  It's probably the first thing I look at on other women and I am obsessed with my own.  Yes it's a bit weird but eyebrows can make a huge difference in your facial features as well as the makeup you are wearing.  A big spring trend this season is something that can only be given credit to Miss Audrey Hepburn herself and that's thick-full on brows.  Don't worry if you weren't born with Princess Jasmine-esque brows, these are reasonably easy to pull off with the right products.

These are the products I use.
Maybelline Clear Mascara, NYX brow powder, and Anatasia Brow Wiz

First I line the outer edges of my brows with a wax brow pencil, going a little thicker than my natural brows. This just helps as a guide to where you'll need to fill in.  Use light small strokes as if you were mimicking the look of actual eyebrow hairs.  Next I use powder and an angled eyeliner brush and fill in any sparse areas inside of the area that is outlined.  An eye shadow that is similar in color to your brows will work just as well for this step too.  The last step is to run clear mascara (YES mascara) or a color eye brow gel over the hairs, making sure to brush upwards.  This gives brows texture so they look less drawn on and more like your own brows.

So they are a little high maintenance BUT they are fun if your looking to change up your look for the day!

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